As someone who gets to play a role in Behold, I love being able to pause and think about how I have had a front-row seat to see how God has moved over the past twelve months.

People have offered their vulnerable stories and perspectives, and there have been opportunities for us (myself included) to dive into areas of my heart and life that are needing some fostering, growing, and even pruning. 

Here are some of my favorite stories that you may have missed this past year!

From Diagnosis to After Death: A Story of the Lord’s Joy

The first time I met Laura, I was brought to tears. Her peace and groundedness in God felt like the ground on which she was physically standing. Over the phone, she told me over and over how faithful God has been and continues to be in her life—in little ways and big ways. She welcomed me, and the rest of you on Behold, into this story of losing her husband and gaining deep strength in the Lord. 

How I Found Vulnerability in My Male Friendships

As a female, vulnerability in friendships is hard but often encouraged and accepted. But talking to my male friends and family, I see and witness the longing for deeply personal friendship. This story felt like a breath of fresh air that I was excited to share with my whole community to help model and invite more vulnerability into my relationships.

Healing From An Eating Disorder

Mental health and relationship with food are such a common struggles and I deeply appreciated the openness and willingness to share her journey. 

What Does God Say About Mental Health

My interview with each of these counsellors was so moving. I loved being able to lean on the wisdom. and expertise of those who understood hard questions like: how do we balance supernatural healing and the need for medicine? What does mental health play in our relationship with Jesus? What are real recommendations we can apply in today’s world? 

A Theology of Feasting

This is one of my favorites all year! It is such rich content by Jenny who helps us understand the difference between over-indulgence and enjoying the beauty of life. The clarity behind this was so helpful and changed the way I went about the holiday season and will take into my whole life.

Fasting as A Spiritual Practice for Today

Personally, fasting has been a new idea for my discipleship in only the past few years. This was a beautiful introduction to how it can bring me closer to Jesus, and what it looks like to fail and succeed in disciplines. 

Debunking Myths of Jesus’s Promise of Abundant Life

Have you ever had moments where you wonder, is this the life Jesus promised me? James has such a beautiful invitation in this article. He intros with: “[W]hat is this abundant life? It’s not the prosperity Gospel (believe in Jesus and you will be rich) or the more common self-help Gospel (believe in Jesus and everything will go well for you). It’s also not the opposite, the Gospel of white-knuckling (following Jesus is constantly difficult and just requires grit).” I would recommend reading below!

It’s been a beautiful year. Thanks for being a part of it. 

If you have a personal story of encountering Jesus, we’d love to hear from you. You can submit your story online for review.